For the strength of the pack is in the wolf
and the strength of the wolf is in the pack.
~Rudyard Kipling~
Member of the Wolf Spader

Hi, my name is George (a.k.a Smokin_98, Ws_Smokin_Wolf
when I am not busy , you can find me playing spades in the MSN gaming zone
I am addicted to it !
Beware !
It is very habit forming !
It takes up all of my spare time & most of my not so spare
time !
I belong to a club of spaders called wolf's !
they are a fun & loving bunch who share the same addiction
as I !
I am not so sure it's the games that draw me as much as the
people on the zone ...
. I share great friendships with many zoners of
all groups ,
but some of my bestest friends are
WS_Scarlet_Wolf (
the creator of all webpages ! )
creator of da wolf's)
& WS_Spankywolf ( the
creator of all trubble ! )
We all take great pride in makin sure our pards &
our opps have a great time!
They just have different ideas of fun sometimes
I live in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
so if ya know the area or live in it gimme a yell cause I like
meetin da zoners !
I have many hobbies but lil time to do them , cause I am
always on here !
